September 27, 2024

The first accessible pushchair has gone to a family in the UK

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Giving independence to a disabled parent

We’re over the moon to share that the first accessible pushchair has officially gone out to a family in the UK.

Ali, mum of three, has always found taking her children out very challenging.

She said: “It is very frustrating that the world is so inaccessible, especially for disabled parents. Pushchairs are so difficult to manoeuvre with wheelchairs that it can be a nightmare. I’ve stopped doing the school run on my own as it’s such a hassle.”

Now that she has the accessible pushchair she said:

"I can’t wait to start using it and to be able to do everything myself now.”

The first pushchair of its kind

The accessible pushchair was developed in response to it being the top requested product in our charity’s 50+ year history. For disabled parents and carers who are wheelchair users, there is no safe way to get to the shops or the park independently with their young child.

With no such product currently available on the market, disabled parents and carers either have to stay at home or rely on a non-disabled relative or friend. Many parents choose to have their child sitting on their lap, which can be unsafe and uncomfortable, but often there is no other option.

The unique design we’ve put together replaces the traditional rear wheels/footbrake assembly, turning any conventional pushchair into an accessible pushchair.

Thank you to Mamas and Papas for their support

We’re thankful to have worked in partnership with leading UK pushchair manufacturer Mamas and Papas to ensure the pushchair complies with British Safety Standards.

More will be available soon

We plan to produce 20 more accessible pushchairs next year to help change the everyday lives of more parents and carers across the UK.

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