Complaints Policy and Procedure​

Designability aims at all times to provide the best possible service, support and experience to everyone we work with, in whatever capacity. We recognise that from time-to-time people may feel dissatisfied and wish to raise a concern or complaint. We have tried to make this as easy as possible and take every concern or complaint raised seriously, responding in a timely, open, respectful and fair manner. Making a complaint will not harm or prejudice the service that is given to the complainant. Designability commits to learn from complaints to improve the way we work and our products and services creating a culture of continuous improvement.

The following complaints policy and procedure sets out how we will approach any complaints made about us.

Making a complaint

Raising a concern or making a complaint can be done both formally or informally.

If you wish to raise an informal complaint, you can do this by contacting us by email, by phone on 01225 824103, via any of our social media channels, or by post to, Designability, D1 Wolfson Centre, Royal United Hospital, Bath BA1 3NG. State that you would like to make an informal complaint and please provide us with as much detail as you can including any communications or correspondence with Designability in relation to the complaint. This will help us resolve the issue to the best of our ability. Don’t forget to include your own preferred contact details so we can let you know the outcome and action taken from your complaint. All informal complaints will be acknowledged within five working days from the date of receipt, and we will respond to the complaint within 14 working days. If it is not possible to respond within the 14 day timeframe, for example a key member of staff is on annual leave, you will still be updated within 14 days and provided with a revised timeframe for your response.

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from your informal complaint, or you would prefer your complaint to be formally investigated, you can request this either via your contact from your informal complaint, or using any of the methods already outlined and stating you would like to make a formal complaint. If you contact us via social media to make a formal complaint we will direct you to submit your full complaint to us via email, phone or by post. We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days. A member of our Senior Leadership Team will be assigned to investigate your complaint and you will receive a full written response within 60 working days from the date of acknowledgement. If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you will be given the opportunity to appeal.

Appealing a formal complaint response
If you wish to appeal the response to your formal complaint you must do so in writing either electronically or by post, outlining the reasons for your dissatisfaction to the response within 30 working days of receiving the response. Your appeal will be reviewed by an independent member of the Senior Leadership team, not involved in the original investigation, or escalated to the Chief Executive, as appropriate to the complaint. They will review the complaint, investigation and response, they may made further enquiries before coming to a final decision. The response to your appeal will be provided in writing within 60 working days from the date of receiving the appeal.

Summary of timeframes

Informal complaints – five working days to acknowledge the complaint, 14 working days for a response.

Formal complaints – five working days to acknowledge the complaint, 60 working days for a response.

Appeal – 60 working days for a response.

What to do if you are still dissatisfied with Designability’s response

If you are dissatisfied with Designability’s response to a complaint you can contact the Charity Commission who will be able to advise on the matter. If your complaint relates to Designability’s fundraising activity specifically you can contact the Fundraising Regulator to use their independent complaints procedure.